Thursday, 26 April 2012


I've noticed there is a lot more fear in children these days than there used to be! Parents aren't paying as much attention to the right reaction in a fearful child.
My middle child use to have a fear of loose hair he would pick up while crawling. Also he would cry hysterically if I placed him on grass.

Its a survival instinct to have fears.
How do you react when you see fear in your child?
Do they have a lot of rational or irrational fear?
And more importantly do you baby your child even if its an IRRATIONAL FEAR?

Here is an example of irrational Fear;
Little bugs, Little animals, Monsters, Darkness, other children's opinions, certain Foods, etc.

Rational Fears;
Strangers,  Large bugs, Big dogs, etc.

If my children have an irrational fear of any kind I certainly do not make a big deal about the issue. Nor is it ok to ignore the situation. It's better to have a little chat and introduce them to their fear regularly.
I think this is an important subject for every parent as lately I haven't seen many rational fears in children as opposed to irrational fears.
Even as an adult it's important to think about your fears! I have a few irrational fears myself; but to notice and admit it I can face the issues. For example I become really fearful during and after scary movies! I become emotionally high strung. It is Irrational! As it's just a movie with great sound effects.

Important steps when facing irrational fears:

  1. Recognize your/ or your child's fear!
  2. Ask yourself/ or child what is the fear about (as explaining will help you/child realize it sounds ridiculous)
  4. Remind yourself/child that it's not ok to be fearful of silly things
  5. Show yourself/child how strong the heart is! AND how people create fear in their brains

I'm not a doctor Phil kind of person however he has some great knowledge. As I decide to write this blog on fears I decided to Google irrational fear and it came up with this link from doctor Phil I thought was fantastic!

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